Friday, May 13, 2011

Facebook Secretly hired a PR organisation to asperse Google

The famous Social Networking site Facebook caught secretly hiring top Public Relations Organisation to implant negative stories about the Internet Search Gaint Google Inc.

PR firm Burson-Marsteller, got captured in a scandal for running a secret anti-Google asperse campaign on behalf of Social Networking site Facebook,

The Evidence – that damage relations between the two giants, that have already bitter rivals – came to light in leaked emails late on wenesday. Facebook later admitted that it had hired Burson-Marsteller to the Daily Beast.

Burson gave a statement yesterday faulting the Facebook. The statement said Facebook insisted on being kept anonymous, and that Burson should not have gone along with that request.

Paul Cordasco, a spokesman for Burson-Marsteller, told the Guardian yesterday that the assignment was not at all standard operating procedure and was against the company's policies.

Google refused to comment.